Monday 14 April 2008

What Bollocks.

These quizzes are great for time-wasting, but they don't half spout some guff.

"Your true colour is brown!

You're brown, a credible, stable colour that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. Brown is an impartial, neutral colour, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart."


Anonymous said...

I guess Brown is not your colour. Try the test again and lie, you may ger a better result. Have tried Skype a few times but you weren't on line, will chat soon love Martin.

Itastelikedeath said...

Actually, brown is one of my favourite colours on a par with black. It's all the psychobabble that they put with it that I think is just hilariously silly.