Sunday 20 September 2009

Do I know you from somewhere?

Wow, it's been a while.

Just a quickie to thank everyone for their support with my exams, exam results and house-hunting. This time next week I will be back in Brizzle, in my band new flat (pictures and description in due course). If you are for any sad reason a regular checker of this site, here is a list of what I expect/hope to be in the blog this new academic year:

Hopes- General updates re. (hopefully better) health and state of mind;
Pictures of my new flat, and hopefully from some outings that I would like to undertake this year;
Some more poetry and prose separate from my normal chronicled stuff and exclusive to the web;
Possibly some book reviews as I aim to set aside more time for recreation which will cheifly involve reading.

Other possible inclusions-
More blogs from my darker moments (this is my place of venting to avoid panic attacks);
Updates from the doctors;
General rants re. my health and my course.

So, some I hope some good will come of this blog as well as all the bad, but if you are reading this in a few months time and haven't seen any of the good stuff, I apologise, but you all know by now what I'm like, and as much as I would like something to happen, it's by no means guaranteed.

Anyhow, take care for now folks, tchuss