Thursday 31 January 2008

2 Weeks

So I've reached the end of two full weeks, where I made myself attend everything I was supposed to without being too ill to go in or anything. A sad thing to be so momentus that it requires a blog post, but there you go, it's the extent of excitement in my life.

On the other hand, by the start of next week, I will have done two semi-social things: On Wednesday I went to see Sweeney Todd with my mate Maddy (see credits above)- seriously fun film, really good; and on Sunday I'm going to lunch with my brother Mark- should be fun (note to self, get a bottle of plonk).

I did have something else to say, but can't for the life of me think what it was, so I guess that's it for now.

Saturday 19 January 2008


Damn shelves;
Friday morning fixed;
Saturday evening broken again, spectacularly

Thursday 17 January 2008

Only Slightly Worried


So I've been a bit ill lately (more than usual), and it has made me think about some stuff. I have discovered that although I'm not now panicing that I will fail and not be able to handle life, that I have gone to the complete other extreme, and now don't really give a toss one way or the other. Every time I think to myself 'I should do some work' another, bigger part of me says 'stuff it, I don't want to'. The problem is that it's not like I'm distracting myself in a big way with anything else, most of the time I just want to curl up in bed and disappear, because that would save having to face anything. I think I'm just being lazy, but I can't kick myself out of it; it's not specifically that I can't be bothered, I just don't want to.

On the plus side when I was thinking about my counselling session (I'm giving it a go), and planning various methods of suicide again, I realised just why it is that I'm still alive, which also helped me my write my epitaph for when I do go:

'A Burden to others; God's test of the patience and kindness of those around her.'

Good eh, I've finally worked out that I don't really have a purpose to fulfill of my own, but that I'm here as part of other people's purposes to highlight their goodness; sort of like the preverbial Albatross to everyone else's Ancient Mariner.

So to sum up; my working life is shite and I'm not sure how to remedy it, but at least I know now why it is I have to put up with it.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

Oh no, another addiction

I have discovered the beauty of youtube! The complete first and second series of the American version of Whose Line Is It Anyway, including the one below (One episode, three clips), which is the first American one featuring our very own home-grown comic genius, Josie Lawrence, Yay!

I dare you to watch this and not laugh; it's a genius program, and this isn't even one of the best episodes.

Sunday 6 January 2008

"I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman..."

...Well that's it actually, I have just had to admit to myself that I am, in fact, a weak and feeble woman, with none of the perks. I was walking home from Temple Meads Station with my laptop, coursework and a few clothes in my shoulder bag, can't have been too many kilos (the coursework was only about a packet and a half's worth of paper in three files, and my laptop can't be more than a couple; it's a Vaio don't ya know?), but I had to stop a couple of times, and now that I'm back, my shoulders are killing me. And there was me kidding myself that I had a certain degree of strength to hold my own, damn.

In other news, I came home quickly on Friday before going to my Nan's to discover that my shelf unit had decided to come away from the wall, throwing everything on the floor and breaking a glass frame that I had had on display on the top. I have emailed my landlord, but heard nothing back yet, and I can't leave it anymore. Originally I had left everything as it was, so that he could see for himself when he came, but now I just have to tidy up; I have taken some pics, and if anyone wants a laugh at my wonderful welcome home present, take a look.

Hope everyone else had good hols, I know eM did :)