Thursday 31 January 2008

2 Weeks

So I've reached the end of two full weeks, where I made myself attend everything I was supposed to without being too ill to go in or anything. A sad thing to be so momentus that it requires a blog post, but there you go, it's the extent of excitement in my life.

On the other hand, by the start of next week, I will have done two semi-social things: On Wednesday I went to see Sweeney Todd with my mate Maddy (see credits above)- seriously fun film, really good; and on Sunday I'm going to lunch with my brother Mark- should be fun (note to self, get a bottle of plonk).

I did have something else to say, but can't for the life of me think what it was, so I guess that's it for now.


Anonymous said...

Actually I was planning on going to Corks and buying lots of lovely beer.

If that's ok with you.

Itastelikedeath said...

hm, cheap plonk or lovely beer, like that's a hard choice.

Anonymous said...

Hope you two reprobates had a grand lunch and well done on reaching your 2 week deadline - excellent progress and we're both proud of ya!