Thursday 19 June 2008


Man, things have been hectic lately.

I've never been scared of exams in my life, and yet this year I couldn't stem the panic. I felt like I was having constant heart-attacks or something of the sort: not at all pleasant. The results come out tomorrow, and it's a fairly foregone conclusion that I have failed them all, even taking into account the 'mitigating circumstances'. This of course means retakes, but what I learned yesterday was that if it is as bad as I think, it's likely that the University will recommend putting these off until next June, ie re-doing the whole year. Amazingly, this was something I had not even considered, and it came as a little bit of shock. I know it's the sensible and logical thing to do, but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it. I think that the University will get in touch with me with their recommendations and possibly seeing it written down in black and white will have a different effect (I just hope it's a better rather than a worse one).

On top of that source of tension, I went to see the Doctor on Monday and he has suggested a chage in the medication I'm taking, so this week I have gone 'cold turkey' on the prozac in anticipation of starting on a course of Citalopram. This will hopefully have a more positive effect on me, particularly with regards to the panic attacks which do not seem to have abated. Unfortuneately, he did point out that this will take a while to work and I may well see things worsen before they improve, so it looks as though I have an eventful few months ahead of me.

Well, that's the big events of the last month dealt with; I think I've waffled on enough for today. What I will say before I go is a big thanks to everyone for my Birthday cards/presents and good wishes, they were all much appreciated.

Going off now to drink tea and mope about; Bis Bald.