Sunday 7 February 2010

This is me, getting a life.

I've decided that if I want to get out of this rut in my life, I need to take some affirmative action. So for starters I am making a list (in itself something I like to do) of things that I feel I should/would like to do sometime in the near future.

Doing more stuff that you like and trying new stuff is generally acknowledged to help improve the way people feel and although everyone knows that I am a neophobe, I've got to the stage where I'm willing to try anything.

Now, you may be asking why I'm bothering to post this, but I would like to ask you lovely people to take a look at the list and maybe suggest either things to add, or ways to do stuff that's on there.

Here goes:

Stuff I have let lapse and would like to start up again:
* Enjoy Maths
* Photographs
* Poetry/Prose
* Recreational walks
* Origami/crafting

New Stuff I would like to try/do:
* Buy and watch Guys and Dolls
* Buy a CoolBoard (If staying at Uni)
* Start to enjoy Programming
* Get properly and catastrophically hammered
* Go Bowling
* Go Ice Skating (?)
* Dye Hair
* Henna Tattoos
* Go to the Gym more
* Lose some weight
* Listen to more music (New Stuff?)
* Eat better/more (New Stuff?)
* Learn to drive
* Write comic for Mark to draw
* Get more sleep
* Find a new hobby

This list is in no particular order, and I would really appreciate any suggestions for prioritising the list, adding new ideas, or psyching myself up to actually do some of this stuff! Thanks peeps, love ya all.