Wednesday 25 September 2013

Oh, hai...

It has been a while hasn't it? Let's hope that my familiarity with html has not waned (thank heavens for Google and w3schools who offer quick reference pages).

Life has been somewhat more complicated since I graduated and I admit that I have found this new phase of existence pretty difficult to come to terms with. Thankfully, I was able to get help in the end, and I now have a structure in my life which has seen my social life and job hunting get largely back on track.

And, joy of joys, I have been given an appointment for an informal meeting tomorrow with a view to setting up a proper interview for a job in the near future. I am looking forward to a more structured life with time for work and driving lessons (which I've started by the way - great fun too) and a nice catch-up with the blog-o-sphere.

However, for now I just popped up to say "hi" and ask you to think of me tomorrow and wish me luck.

Cheers guys!