Sunday 6 January 2008

"I know that I have the body of a weak and feeble woman..."

...Well that's it actually, I have just had to admit to myself that I am, in fact, a weak and feeble woman, with none of the perks. I was walking home from Temple Meads Station with my laptop, coursework and a few clothes in my shoulder bag, can't have been too many kilos (the coursework was only about a packet and a half's worth of paper in three files, and my laptop can't be more than a couple; it's a Vaio don't ya know?), but I had to stop a couple of times, and now that I'm back, my shoulders are killing me. And there was me kidding myself that I had a certain degree of strength to hold my own, damn.

In other news, I came home quickly on Friday before going to my Nan's to discover that my shelf unit had decided to come away from the wall, throwing everything on the floor and breaking a glass frame that I had had on display on the top. I have emailed my landlord, but heard nothing back yet, and I can't leave it anymore. Originally I had left everything as it was, so that he could see for himself when he came, but now I just have to tidy up; I have taken some pics, and if anyone wants a laugh at my wonderful welcome home present, take a look.

Hope everyone else had good hols, I know eM did :)


Harry said...

I think this laptop is 3kg instead of the standard 2. I have the same issue.!

Anonymous said...

'Tis true, we had a rockin' Holiday Season - shame it was over so soon. Who's up for a Summer time Christmas in '08, just to tide us over until December?

Sorry your shelf fell down, need me to beat up your landlord?!?