Sunday 20 April 2008

Hell, tanj and damnation

Oh fan-bloody-tastic, only just over twelve hours until the start of a new term and I'm feeling the approach of a panic attack. Hence writing this post; I am hoping that banal distractions will hold of the worst until bed-time when I can hope to sleep off the fear.

The worst thing is that I didn't even think I was scared: I was looking forward to a new start and a new kick up the preverbial, and I was actually looking forward to seeing my Uni colleagues again. Okay, so I'm fairly apprehensive about the exams, but from what I can gather I am in fact no worse off than anyone else; all the people I've been in touch with are as scared/unmotivated as I am, if not more (scary in itself, eh).

So I thought this term would be different, and we can but hope that it's simply first day nerves: a slightly elevated version of what everyone feels when returning to work after a holiday. However, if it isn't, standby for some serious self-pity: I will not be happy if this starts all over again.

As the poet once said I'm "Twitching like a finger on the trigger of a gun". For many people's sake, pray that I don't twitch too much, or I might just loose one (or two), and that, let's face it, would be kind of bad.

Now, where's that Whiskey...


Anonymous said...

hope today went cool.

Here's something to cheer you up:

it's even better than you think!

Anonymous said...

I'm rooting for you HannaH

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope everything cool. I can only imagine the torments of Uni, while I squander my life.

Seriously, though, I hope everything is cool.