Friday 28 March 2008


Hounslow. I'm back for a couple of weeks, and I'm trying to spend that time consolidate my work and get vaguely up to date so that when I go back I can focus on the last part of term at the same level as everyone else and possibly focus on my revision. So far things haven't gone entirely to plan though, so I'm not terrribly happy.

My Nan came home with me last Thursday and so I've been trying to spend so time with her, and now I've got her stinking cold, and can hardly breath let alone think. I look at my lecture notes, and all I can think is that I should already know all of this; yes, I was off before Christmas, but even the people that were still there were drunk or hungover most of the time, and I have been back for weeks now, so really I have no excuse.

The only thing that I can do to try and rationalise my way out of the hole I'm putting myself in is that I was trying to keep up with the current work at the same time as catching up with last term's, not really dedicating the right amount of time to either, and so falling behind on both, a vicious circle that feels like it's leading me through the various levels of Dante's hell.

Even now, when I've scraped up enough energy out of the gutter that is my head to get up and sit at the computer, I'm distracting myself by writing this, and spending all the time I could be working by moaning about the fact that I'm not.

I'm so pathetic it would be funny if it wasn't so painfully depressing.


Harry said...

Atleast you're making an effort. So many people wouldn't give a ****. You'll get it done eventually. Stop thinking about the doom and gloom scenario, you'll pass this year, and even if you don't, then what? You pick up the pieces and get on with life, and move on... Trust me Hannah, you'll be fine. Chin up and smile more dammit!

Anonymous said...

Dolly (although surprisingly difficult!)
Paul & Art

Itastelikedeath said...

Cheers Mark; you left out Cranberries/Elvis

Anonymous said...

Ditto to everything that Harry said, can't think of anything else to add,
so SMILE and always look on the bright side of life :o)