Sunday 5 October 2008


Warning: Ramble alert (probably safest for those with ADHD or the like not to bother with this one)!!!

How-do folks,

It's been a tough year, and now it's going to start all over again. The new Uni term starts tomorrow, with me enrolled as an occasional student, retaking the first year (all bar two coursework-only units in which I actually did quite well: one of them being programming, yes I did well: 61%). I'm hoping that this year will progress somewhat less turbulently than last and that this time I will be able to do enough work to pass.

In two of my exams, I came close to passing and in the majority I was half-way to a pass: all of which sound quite feeble, but for the state I was in and the complete lack of any productive work I was able to do, these facts are (or should be) quite reassuring. If I can come close to a pass with virtually no useful knowledge of the subject, I should, in theory be able to do alright if I am able to put in the study hours this year.

So, I'm trying to stay positive about this, although right now, the knots in my stomach are doubling up on themselves and I am quite nervous. I guess what I have to try and remember is that this year there is comparatively little pressure. If I don't feel like I can go to lectures, I don't have to. I am hoping, that this philosphy will work for the best; knowing I don't have to go to lectures if I'm not well should hopefully take away the pressure and nervousness that causes me not to be well and therefore the knowledge of not having to go should in actual fact make it easier to go.

I'm not quite sure my Mum gets this, or even if I've explained it terribly well, but I know what I mean, and I also know that if this whole reverse psychology thing doesn't work, I can revert to the straight-forward stuff which shouldn't really leave me any worse off. Either I manage to make to the lectures and establish myself in the daily Uni routine (which will help me for next year); or I stay at home and study and go in just for the exams. Either way, although I may be slightly worse off with regards to next year, whatever happens I should at least gain enough knowledge to get me in a situation where a next year of study is possible. At this point, that's my aim.

If there is anyone out there reading this who hasn't given up and left by now; please spare a thought (just the one would be fine) for me, and wish me luck. "Finally," thinks the reader, "we see the eponymous request!" Yes it was a while coming and really turned out to be something of an anti-climax: apologies for that, and if you are still here, well done for your patience and determination to see this through to the end.

Well, that's a nice bumbling start into the new year, I guess we'll just see how it goes. Sorry for taking up web-space with meaningless ramble, I will now go and stick my head in a plastic bag or something (no, wait, that's Glous Uni not Bristol...) in order to make up to society for this worthless piece of Rhetoric.



Anonymous said...

Seriously, Good Luck. I hope this year goes better than the last and I'm always here (In London) for you. Seeya Christmas time!

P.s. I bet you're surprised I read it all :)

P.p.s. I honestly reckon other people won't comment because it's so tedious to do so on blogger, lol.

Anonymous said...

I took the time to read through it and all i can say is Good Luck for this year Hannah. After a tough year you're making a concerted effort to get on track with your life and I applaud you for that.
I like your reverse psychology angle, honestly hope you don't try to apply the old reverse reverse psychology! ( work that one out cos i'm having trouble ! ) I'm here if you need any help but god knows how i can! All the best

Anonymous said...

What ho! I'm sure you'll do marvelously this year at uni. And at least you know that when you're feeling a bit down you can just watch a bit of the good ol' BBC iPlayer. Failing that, I'm here for you if you so wish it.

Good luck!