Wednesday 12 December 2007


Right, so I saw Alan Champneys, the Head of EngMat, today (cool bloke), and he gave me some more strategies that I could try. He realised that the course is not the problem, and he even thinks that it wouldn't be that hard for me to come back in January.

It looks like my big problem is giving myself some kind of outlet other than work, and that should make things more comfortable. I think that this blog, and some of the other things I have been working seem to be quite a good start, so I seem to be making good progress. I don't even need to worry about paperwork, he said that I can come back in January and that when I'm sure I want to stay, and that I'm doing okay, then we can worry about forms etc.

As part of this attempt to find other things to occupy my time, I am going to the 1st year EngMat Christmas Party tonight; scary or what? I will be helping to set up from about 5 onwards, and I am hoping that if I feel I've been a bit helpful I might feel better about being there.

Feedback on the party will follow, maybe I'll even take pictures.


Harry said...

How was the party then?

Anonymous said...

I'm still awaiting those photos Miss H!!