Sunday 9 December 2007


Sorry folks, apparently my last post looked like a suicide note and some people got a bit worried. It wasn't exactly me deciding to end it, but more a wish that somebody else would end it for me. As it happens I was out of luck and I'm still here. Yesterday I thought things were looking up, but I was wrong again; seeing my friend Maddy was great (she's flippin' awesome), and seeing Mark today was nice, but I had another funny turn while he was here, and now I feel like shit again.

I am uber cold and even sitting against my radiator (which does now work) doesn't seem to be helping, so I have made myself a Baileys and Hot Chocolate, and am going to snuggle up and watch Hot Fuzz again. If there is any justice (which I doubt there is) this will be the last post I write as my troubles and I will disappear in my sleep. If this doesn't happen I expect I will just be clogging up the web with more moaning and self pity; if there was anyone reading this, I suggest you give up now while you still hold dear any semblance of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad you're still here. This world needs more mentalists who are more fun to spend time with than they realise!