Saturday 10 November 2007

Arr, pirates

So I've done another test...

Ooh argh! You be an eccentric dandy of a pirate!
Well, aren't ye the charmin' rapscallion? Ye could probably rob someone blind and still leave 'em feeling chuffed that they met you – even if ye made them walk the plank! Whilst ye have one sea weary eye on amassin' a personal treasure trove fit to sink the finest galleon, yer other eye (assuming you're not wearing a patch) is makin' sure you're always seen to be struttin' yer stuff and lookin' mighty fine. Just like Jack Sparrow ye'd never be slow in remindin' people that there should be a 'Captain' afore your name and if ye happen to be more than a little bit eccentric it just adds to yer air of piratey mystique. Ye certainly don't need a parrot or a wooden leg, but we wouldn't be too surprised if ye had a tattoo or two in some interesting places!

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