Friday 10 December 2010

Oh Christmas Tree... (Christmas Competition)

Two posts in one day! I'm making up for a few lost days.

I know that it's still quite early, but since I will be going to London next Friday I am, as always, having one week's Christmas in Bristol. I don't go mad, but I do draw my own tree on my whiteboard. This year, I decided to let out my tree's inner 'anorak' and have highly symbolic, uber geeky decorations. To make it a little more exciting, I've decided to set you guys a challenge:

  • There are 13 'baubles' and a 'star' on my tree, and each one is a reference to something I love and am considered geeky about.
  • You will earn a point for each of the 14 symbols you can recognise, and hopefully everyone knows what points mean - Prizes!
  • The first 3 people, if any, to get over 10 points (without help) will receive a prize, hopefully related to their own personal area of geekiness, but possibly just chocolate...

Small Print:
Don't put your answers in a comment as this will help others and render the game somewhat pointless. It's probably best to email me, or send me a message on Facebook where the game will also be posted. Some of the pictures, are really obscure/rubbish, since they were drawn by me - who is a bit of an obscure person at the best of times, and I'm also not known for my artistic skill. As such, if I get lots of complaints, I will lower the prize threshold; I'll keep you posted on that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you finally give us the answers, lol