Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thought Saturation

I have been trying a lot of things lately to try not to think about my impending exam results. Today I was editing and finishing off an essay that I started a while ago. This particular piece was tricky to finish for reasons which will become clear if you read it as the subject matter is somewhat self-explanatory.

As always with my writing, it was a difficult decision upon completion as to whether to publish or burn the piece. Two times out of three I will opt for burning (or in some way seeking to destroy), but this time I thought it might be interesting to publish and gauge opinions.

So, if you fancy taking a look, please click the following link: THIS IS THE LINK.

If you do decide to read it, please let me know what you think. This is still a relatively early draft, but without having an English teacher anymore, it's hard for me to look at it objectively to see where to improve.


Bryan said...

That links not working for me Hannah :(

Itastelikedeath said...

Hm, not sure why, it seems to be okay from my end. Perhaps leave it and try again later?

Mark. said...

The only objective improvement I could see was that "A play resembling, to all intents, a true a full existence." presumably needs a comma (I'd personally lose the "a" before "full" as well).

It's a sad piece, but really good. I feel some of the fatalism of the end ought to be trumped by the post-modern charm of revelling in fictionality, but I would feel that way.

I have a couple of other thoughts, but I'll have to hold onto them for, what should hopefully only be, a little while.

Itastelikedeath said...

Ahem, yes, actually, that "a" you refer to is a typo - it should have been "and"...