Wednesday 2 July 2008

Friendly Wednesday

Mark and I went to Richmond today to look for my Dad's birthday present, and we seem to have stumbled upon a new type of "Day" (you know the thing, "Fathers' Day", "Valentine's Day", "Dressdown Friday" etc), which we think ought to become a regular feature in people's Diaries. We have Christened it "Friendly Wednesday".

Almost everyone that we met seemed to be in a nice, friendly mood, even the Bus drivers who are not renowned in London for their politeness. Mark had a nice chat with the comic shop owner whose area of Geekiness appeared to be on a similar wavelength to his own, and the lady in the newsagents who updated our oyster cards smiled and spoke to us rather than just staring at us with the "this is a local shop..." attitude.

We did think, while we were eating our chip-shop lunch by the river, that maybe it was just because were in Richmond which is somewhat posher than Hounslow, but then we remembered that the guy who brought us our Tesco delivery this morning was also really nice (I liked him so much I was tempted to invite him in for Tea and Cake), so it seemed that it could be a more general thing.

So..."Friendly Wednesdays", let's run with it people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do my eyes deceive me?
Did I really see the words 'friendly' and 'bus driver' used in the same sentence! ! !
Are you sure that you hadn't been transported to an alternative universe somehow?